What Future For Education — WFE

2 min readJan 22, 2021

WFE1 — Journal Entry Week 1
My experience as a learner has been very rewarding. I have always been curious and seeking for answers, always wanting to know what and why. That has helped me make a learning opportunity out of everything. However, I’ve found that as an adult, I have had a harder time approaching learning with an open mind. I tend to jump to conclusions or connections, that don’t always allow me to explore topics or ways of understanding things.

That being said, from this course I would like to, first, approach learning in a different way. This has been addressed in the lectures, specially the complementary Fiona Rodger interview, and in this assignment. I have never actually kept a learning journal. I think it will help me reflect on the ways that I think, on conclusions I may have hurried along.

This course will also grant me insight on the ways we, as teachers, can help our students learn. I’m interested in ways we can make classrooms better for all students. I think the classrooms in my country have a great potential to grow, and I want to make sure they do that in the best way possible.

I think the future of education is an open and diverse one. I think, first of all, that everything we’ve seen directs us towards smaller classrooms. If the first educational policy struggle for developing countries such as Chile was getting every child to finish school, I think the new challenge is to get teachers to have manageable classrooms. Classrooms where we can actually make students feel comfortable, and are able to work in ways other than the “lecture” or traditional “teacher transmitting facts”. How those classrooms will be will, I think, depend on the teacher and their approach. That will give students the chance to see that learning can be done in many different ways.

